There will never be unity. One side of the divide thinks that children should go to drag shows, women have penises, infanticide is healthcare, and all white people are racist while the other side is not insane.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
File this under "I AM SO GRATEFUL"
Thank you God for the blessing of having more years in my rearview mirror than I do in my windshield. There is no way I could live 72+ years under this democrat/useful idiot utopia. Growing up and spending most of my years in Norman Rockwell's America as a citizen of That Shining City on the Hill was the best that could ever have been for me.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Elitist democrat, Nancy Pelosi will be following Barack Obama's lead in retiring to a multi-million dollar, ocean front estate while you rank and file democrats continue scrambling to:
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
545 vs. 300,000,000 People
Monday, August 23, 2021
Sunday, August 22, 2021
For example
As the Taliban prepared to retake Afghanistan, American military leaders pushed wokeness on the troops and the American embassy in Kabul trotted out the rainbow flag. As the Taliban conquered, the Biden team was producing a campy video with a gender-bending social media influencer.
These actions speak loudly about where the administration’s priorities lie. Instead of delivering basic competence, Democrats have stoked the culture wars and ushered in crisis after crisis, from rising crime to rapid inflation to an overwhelmed southern border to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.
There is ordinary incompetence here — Biden was a buffoon even in his prime — but adding extreme social leftism to the usual political greed and stupidity has been catastrophic, from the military to education to border security. The adherents of this ideology are not deterred by policy failures and political setbacks, allowing radical leftism to become the dominant ideology in the Democrat Party and among the institutions that support it.
A Reality-Denying Make-Believe World
This ideology is a substitute religion to which they are determined to forcibly convert the rest of us. It’s also a childish, narcissistic, self-indulgent ideology that results in incompetence and destruction.
For example, California has begun housing men in women’s prisons, and the inmates are reportedly “being prepared with free condoms and guidance on how to obtain an abortion in prison.” One woman concluded the government had “given the okay for them to rape us, cause you have a plan to take care of the aftermath.”
This is leftism in action. The problems of male prisoners who claim to be women could have been addressed without giving male sexual predators access to women’s prisons. But transgender ideology proclaims “trans women are women,” so fully intact men are being put in women’s prisons.
Ideology is obscuring reality, and leftist ideologues are acting according to the logic of a self-constructed fantasy world. In their world, critical race theory is part of military readiness, men can give birth and women can have penises, and lowering education standards and re-segregating public schools is anti-racist.
Godless Answers to Religious Questions
This is the decadent fulfillment of the leftist project of radically reordering the world. Since the French Revolution, leftists have sought the revolutionary remaking of man and society. They believe what is primarily wrong with the world is not, as Christianity teaches, human sin nature, but disordered social arrangements from which we can liberate ourselves. They view themselves as the prophetic vanguard of human liberation.
Marxism made obvious the ersatz religious nature of this perspective. Adherents believed not because they were convinced by the details of Karl Marx’s economic analysis, but because Marxism provided a godless answer to religious questions — what is wrong with the world and what is to be done about it? Acolytes thrilled to communism’s promise of apocalyptic class struggle (with its concomitant revenge against the oppressor) followed by an idyllic paradise.
This vision proved false, and murdered tens of millions before collapsing. But the fall of the Soviet Union did not end leftist dreams. Marx’s promise of liberation from economic inequality has been supplemented by other analyses of oppression and liberation. American leftists are now far more concrned with race, sex, and gender than with poverty and economic inequality.
The Commodification of Human Relationships
Woke leftism does not dream of the proletariat seizing the means of production. It endorses big government out of vague humanitarianism, as a means of support for marginal members and as liberation from relational responsibility. It seeks to commodify, professionalize, and subsidize work that used to be primarily done by families, churches, and communities. It aims for a society in which everyone is taken care of, but no one is personally responsible for anyone in particular.
The adherents of this petty and narcissistic creed can claim power and wield it, but they cannot achieve the ends they seek. For example, radical medical school students can intimidate professors into denying the reality of biological sex, but this will only produce bad medicine; it will not alter the sexual dimorphism of the human species.
Even as they lost Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Biden administration announced plans to revisit the contraceptive mandate. It seems that, whatever else happens, Democrats are determined to win the war on nuns who don’t want to pay for birth control.
BOTTOM LINE = This dynamic extends across our government and elite institutions, as woke advances only deepen our decadence. In the end, the woke creed will fail, but it might bring our nation down with it.
Sunday, August 22, 2021 11:01 AM
Elections have consequences
Councilman Vincent Cavaleri
When the weak lead, people die. As the humanitarian catastrophe continues to unfold in Afghanistan, the bumbling and incompetent Biden is nowhere to be found. Last reports have him hiding in Camp David, sitting at a table by himself, while the Taliban goes house to house searching and slaughtering innocent Americans and Afghan’s. They have surrounded the airport with heavily armed Taliban soldiers; and are screening and photographing anyone asking for access to the airport. At this point, they are running the show. I watched several Afghan citizens attempting to access a barrier set up by the 82nd Airborne division by climbing to the top of the wall. These people and their families have been labeled and targeted for death by the Taliban for helping America, so their only hope is to save their children. As my eyes filled with tears, I watched parents passing their children to American soldiers in the hopes of getting them out of country and to America without them. Many mothers and fathers didn’t make it to the airport and were beaten to death in the streets just outside Karzai airport. Some were whipped to death, others pummeled by the Taliban mob. People were waving their passports to American soldiers in the hopes of being allowed access on to the airport. We all watched in horror as an America C-17 transport plane was forced to start rolling on the tarmac with hundreds of people running alongside. The cargo plane was carrying roughly 800 people out of country and would have been overrun without the Airforce pilot making this life saving decision to get the aircraft into the air. Thankfully, 800 souls were transported to safety. As some would be passengers clung to parts of the C-17 outer shell, the plane lifted into the air. Video shows these poor people falling to their death as the cargo plane ascended into the sky. For them, the mere thought of being taken by the Taliban was enough for this act of desperation. I could not help but be reminded of my fellow American citizens in the World Trade Center opting for this desperate act as well on September 11, 2001. Amnesty International has been reporting on the brutality since July and this will undoubtably get much worse with the vacuum the United States has created. Make no mistake, we own every bit of this, with Biden and company having the lions share. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, NSA director Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Blinken and of course the cackling vice president Kamala Harris make up the cast of newly appointed buffoons in charge of this humanitarian mess. Their unique skillset of having no clue on foreign policy is one thing they all have in common. As this chaotic scene continues to unfold heads should roll immediately. The folks listed above are Biden’s chief advisors and they not only dropped the ball, but single handily manufactured another global humanitarian crisis. If they can do this to the American border, then Afghanistan is a piece of cake. Would this have happened on Trump’s watch? I assure you no, they simply waited for the incompetent weaklings to take charge. Despite repeated intelligence warnings, these nincompoops thought they were smarter than everyone else. They assumed they had months to draw down and evacuate in the face of the Taliban advancement across the country. At the very least, American citizens should have been fully evacuated months ago. Unfortunately, we must sit and watch this travesty unfold as the body count will undoubtably rise. It’s hard to imagine things getting much worse, but I assure you they will. As I listen to Biden’s current press conference it is abundantly clear he still believes he has the situation in hand. He and those around him will continue to place American lives in jeopardy and make the world a more dangerous place. To hear him double down on his botched response is unconscionable.Saturday, August 21, 2021
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
"To everyone who has reached out to me over the last few days to offer their support—thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Monday, August 16, 2021
MEMO #20210816.1
Happy Monday!
- P-46 has stated that he inherited the Afghanistan cluster fiasco from P-45.
- The Afghan President has fled his country to parts unknown. Supposedly to save bloodshed however anyone with half a functioning cerebral cortex knows it's to save his own arse.
- P-46 has fled to Camp David.
- P-46 has once again, outed our intelligence assets in a foreign country.
- P-46 has abandoned the Afghans who helped us to certain death.
- P-46 has abandoned American missionaries and other miscellaneous and assorted civilians to certain death.
- The beheading fest will commence shortly.
- Evil does exist and it flourishes in DC.
- BOTTOM LINE = elections have consequences.
Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline and is now asking OPEC to increase production.
Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House.
From Sunday, August 15, 2021 11:19 PM
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Saturday, August 14, 2021
BOTTOM LINE = But if you're OK with denying folks access to necessities because they chose differently than you then you are the problem and we don't need that kind of mancow feces anywhere.
If you want to cover YOUR face for the rest of your life, go ahead. Just leave the rest of us alone.
BOTTOM LINE = that's how FREEDOM works.
Friday, August 13, 2021
Friday, August 6, 2021 6:51 AM
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
*Total fuel consumption of U.S. airlines is approximately 19 billion gallons annually.
Monday, April 12, 2021
Sunday, April 4, 2021
This Polish Pastor knows commie tactics when he sees them...
Thursday, April 1, 2021
We should be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel; however, there are now 4 new variations of "THE VIRUS" and we are being told we must continue to wear masks even after vaccinations.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
IMO, Thomas Jefferson had a crystal ball
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Daily Prayer
Friday, March 26, 2021
In 1960, folks could order firearms from magazine ads simply by sending a check or money order to the advertiser. I know this for a fact because at the time I was a Junior member of the NRA and for a $12.95 money order, I purchased a M1903 Springfield rifle. No background check...No FFL...No FOID.
I also recall that at the time there was next to ZERO "mass shootings".
I really appreciated that rifle. Sadly, the time came when I needed to sell it to help finance my college career.
BOTTOM LINE = it's not a gun problem, it's a heart problem.
NO MATTER YOUR STANCE ON FIREARMS... need to EDUCATE yourself with the historical truths of disarmed citizens.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
...that when the Syrian
Civil War heated up, our POTUS at the time was bathhouse barry, AKA The Anointed One. He went in front of We the People on national TV and
announced that we would be "WELCOMING" 100,000 Syrian refugees into our country.
BOTTOM LINE = Wonder how many of these Syrian ""refugees" are on food stamps or some form of welfare and are lurking in the undergrowth awaiting the opportunity to commit murder and mayhem?