Friday, November 26, 2021


Elitist democrat, Nancy Pelosi will be following Barack Obama's lead in retiring to a multi-million dollar, ocean front estate while you rank and file democrats continue scrambling to:

1. Pay your bills.
2. Locate adequate medical care.
3. Mask up.
4. Social distance.
5. Shelter in place.
6. Flatten the curve.
7. Adjust to your new normal.
8. Deal with rising taxes.
9. Deal with rising gas prices.
10. Deal with runaway inflation.
11. Deal with rising heating and cooling costs.
12. Deal with rising costs of your medications.
13. Deal with your new role as beta tester for jabs.
**Just to mention a few**
BOTTOM LINE = I will never understand why you people continue to vote democrat. Was your butthurt from the Orange Man that bad?
PS: I hope you all have noticed that Elitist Pelosi is NOT retiring to her home state of California. A state in which she has done so much to destroy.

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