Thursday, June 12, 2014


Is it just me, or, has anyone else noticed that the Cantor/Brat event has signaled a change?  A change FROM:  Democrat vs Republican vs Independent vs WhatEver  TO:  Inside the Beltway vs Outside the Beltway.

The giant awakens slowly, too slowly for me, nevertheless there is an awakening.  The folks are fed up with the direction this country is being taken by those inside the Beltway.  Personally, I hope for a tidal wave of change, however, I will be satisfied with one precinct, one district at a time.

Contrary to what the administration's Praetorian Guard would like for you to believe, Mr. Brat is NOT card carry member of the TEA Party.  Mr. Brat is just a regular American who is tired of those inside the Beltway, what they have done and are doing to US and wants to make a positive change for all of US.

In the final analysis...this is REFRESHING.

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