Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thought Police

12 June 2014

Straight America is so fearful of offending gay, lesbian, transgender people and their powerful movement.  We hear "JUMP" and immediately start jumping through hoops to show the world we are not homophobic.

Consider the reaction by some to Michael Sam's mouth to mouth kiss of his lover on EPSN after he was recently drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Sam, who earlier this year announced to the world he is homosexual, was a standout defensive player for the Missouri Tigers.

Sam and his friend, Vito Cammisano, decided to go "in your face," both to themselves and to those watching the draft on television including young boys and girls no doubt. After first kissing without debris, Sam then decided to put some cake in his mouth and go back after Vito for some more affection.

It was gross. But then I'm old school, one who doesn't believe men should be having sex with other men. I believe that kind of behavior is wrong and worst of all, offensive to God. 

Now, if people want to live this lifestyle, that is their choice, but this idea of forcing folks who disagree with it to applaud or else be shouted down, fined by the government or lose your job has gotten way out of hand.

Polar opposite my views would be the rabid gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and queer mafia, commonly referred to as GLBTQ. These are people who actively engage in those lifestyles and behaviors. They only represent about 3% of Americans, but they manage to wield enormous influence on American culture. 

GLBTQ groups basically promote their cause 24/7/365 in the entertainment industry, in academia, in fashion, in the corporate world and in national politics. And now we can add sports. Disagree with GLBTQ in these areas and your life, as you know it, will be over. 

If you don't believe that, just ask former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who was forced out of his job when it was found out he had given $1,000 to support Prop 8 in California in 2008 which defined marriage as "one man and one woman." 

There was never any accusation that he had mistreated anyone in the workplace, it was just the mere fact that he held the same view that Barack Obama did at that time and seven million other Californians who voted to pass the amendment. That was enough to force him out, even though he co-founded the company.

Hollywood, is a 24/7/365 promotion machine for GLBTQ. This year's Grammy Awards, for example, even took time out in the middle of the show to have Queen Latifah conduct a "wedding" ceremony for gays and lesbians.  

No matter how hard or how long man tries to change marriage, it remains an institution, ordained by and defined by Almighty God.

Now, we have the sports world bowing to GLBTQ.

Miami Dolphins player Don Jones watched the two men go tongue to tongue on ESPN and tweeted that it was "horrible." For merely expressing a view that millions of Americans were also thinking, Jones was quickly fined by the NFL, suspended and sent to a "re-education camp".

As I say, when a person can be told he must go to "educational camp" OR ELSE lose his job, because he finds man-to-man mouth kissing on national television objectionable, we now live in a thought-police state.

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