Sunday, June 11, 2023

We can’t have two tiers of justice, for example:

One for Trump and another one for the commie democrats.  One for BLM/ANTIFA and another one for the J6 Protesters. 

I have never so much as  dreamed that I would live to see the day when a sitting POTUS would deputize and task the DOJ to arrest/obstruct his lead political opponent.

Obama tried to deputize the FBI to infiltrate Trump’s 2016 campaign, and believe it or not, the useful idiots still maintain that Obama is not a bad man, but this time around, the commie democrats are leaving nothing to chance by having the federal police state accomplish the outright arresting of Trump.

The very thought of dissolving into a Banana Republic should be outrageous to every American citizen where the party in power uses police force to arrest/obstruct its political opponents.

MY FINAL ANALYSIS HERE = It’s criminal for the DOJ to selectively persecute Trump but not prosecute Biden.

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