Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Open your Funk & Wagnalls to "SICKENING"...

On June 17, 2015, Dylann Roof walked into Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and murdered nine of his fellow Americans, all of them black.
Roof is a legit white supremacist and Neo-Nazi (as opposed to all the imaginary ones that Democrats claim as the reason for keeping our nation's capital decked out in razor wire and patrolled by National Guardsmen), and he's rightfully on death row for his crimes.
But, as Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton pointed out on Saturday, Roof will still be getting a $1,400 stimulus check someday soon thanks to the Democrats' just-passed $1.9 trillion COVID-19 "relief" bill, deceitfully dubbed the "American Rescue Plan."
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who in 2013 murdered three and wounded more than 260 with pressure-cooker shrapnel bombs at the Boston Marathon (in addition to ambushing and killing a cop), will also be getting a $1,400 check. So will Aaron Shamo, the drug kingpin who last year was sentenced to life in prison for killing countless Americans with the million fentanyl-laced fake oxycodone pills he sold to unsuspecting buyers.
The Senate could've easily nixed this abomination from its bill by voting for Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy's amendment, whose stupid-simple statement of purpose was "to ensure that the 2021 Recovery Rebates are not provided to prisoners." They could have, except all 50 Democrats voted against the amendment and in favor of sending taxpayer-funded checks to murderers.
"Only a small part of what Democrats passed is for pandemic or economic relief," notes the Wall Street Journal editorial board. "It's mainly a way station on their high-speed train to a cradle-to-grave welfare-entitlement state. Most of the $1.9 trillion will flow to government unions or supposedly temporary income transfers that Democrats intend to make permanent later this year."
As if the bill needed to be any more appealing to the socialists who now control the Democrat Party, Joe Biden shared this telling endorsement during his remarks on Saturday: "Bernie Sanders said this is the most progressive bill he's ever seen passed since he's been here. And the compromises were all compromises that didn't affect the substance and the essence of what the bill is."
~Patriot Post~

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