Saturday, August 27, 2022


...For example:

BOTTOM LINE = give on inch and the commie democrats will take a mile.


Kinda revealing how many are claiming the raid on Trump's home was justified when the DOJ itself won't reveal an unredacted justification.


The political party which supports the killing of babies also wants to be in charge of YOUR healthcare.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Getting deadly serious out there. Rep. Greene is very outspoken in support of our Constitutional Republic. Having a political view opposing the commie democrats can cost your life.

BOTTOM LINE = It will get much worse before We the People will be successful in making it better.

FINAL ANALYSIS = Face it, there are a lot of commie democrats masquerading as nazi fascist thugs.  These commie democrat nazi fascist thugs are gonna get someone killed THEN all hell will break loose on them.  I fear they have no idea of the hell that will rain down on them for their behavior.

Click on the link above to read the full article from "The Epoch Times".

Friday, August 19, 2022


The fear of Trump flows out of Democrats, morphing into a river of venom and hate.  However, their obsession gives him strength. It magnifies their every failure in everything they attempt. If we still had insane asylums, at least a third of our population would qualify for admittance. Donald J Trump has driven them insane, literally.

FINAL ANALYSIS = Thus democrats PROMOTE that which they wish to destroy. It is a delicious paradox, is it not?

It's Later Than You Think!

What you people fail to understand is that these 3-Letter Agencies now have and will wield the power to rip YOU and YOUR families out of your homes, businesses and properties, STEAL everything you have, confiscate everything you and your ancestors have accumulated, throw you in prison and forever relegate your name to infamy and dishonor.

Whatever you say and wherever you say it, be it at home with your appliances listening, in your car with your smart features listening, on the bus or train with the TSA recorders listening, in the airport with the many devices listening, … or online, you can rest assured that your entire conversation is being monitored by analysts at the FBI, IRS, CIA, DIA, NSA, TSA, ODNI and countless other agencies in the US as well as UNCLE, Russian FSB, CCP, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and, of course, the WEF.

BOTTOM LINE = All this wonderfulness is compliments of installing an old political hack with dementia in the White House.

Saturday, August 13, 2022


I am surprised that Comey has not been a "suicide" case by now.

Being a "conspiracy theorist"... spending hours for years and years gathering as much information as possible from as many sources as possible and critically thinking about what that information means, then, having people who do nothing except post on social media from their momma's basement tell me that I am crazy.

How much more hilarious can you get...

...than the democrats calling for "an intelligence probe"?  Have you forgotten that the democrats cannot even define a woman, so, who expects them to be able to define "intelligence"?

PSA - there are only about 700 Billionaires in America today.

Those newly hired 80+ thousand IRS agents are not going after the "rich".  They will be coming after YOU.

BOTTOM LINE = told you so.

The democrats need to send those 80+ thousand new IRS agents to the Ukraine.

 They will find $50+ Billions of our tax dollars there.

FBI agents after raiding Melania's closet.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 12:04 AM


The lRS just acquired an additional 5,000,000 rounds of ammo. They are hiring 87,000 ADDITIONAL agents. When completed, they will have the 5th largest standing military on Earth. They will have heavy armored vehicles, electronic surveillance, night vision, special surveillance vehicles, and military rifles, full auto, of all sorts.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022

PSA for those who either cut or slept through history class or have short or selective memories, and you know who you are.

 08/01/2020 10:16 AM

* About 60 years ago, Venezuela was 2 times wealthier than China.

* Was 4 times wealthier than Japan.

* Was ranked 4th in the world economy.

* Was ranked 1st in Latin America economy.

* The Venezuelan dollar was 2nd only to our US dollar.

* Had an excellent health care system.

* Had fully stocked store shelves.

* And in less than a decade, was destroyed by socialism, the very same socialism that the democrats, nevertrumpers, sheeple, Richard Craniums and useful idiots want to bring to America.


1. You live in Florida.

2. Hurricanes can be unpredictable until the very last hours.

3. Thousands of electric vehicles attempting to flee inland.

4. Thousands of electric vehicles running out of charge.

5.  Thousands of electric vehicles stuck on highways with no "safe space" in close proximity.

6. Thousands are engulfed by the hurricane and its surge.

7. Thousands swept away.

8. Thousands are dead.

9. Months are required to gather fossil fueled generators to help clear the highways.

BOTTOM LINE = This is the democrat's utopia.

PSA - As a reminder to those who have short or selective memories, and you know who you are.

1.  No one supports Law Enforcement Officers MORE than I do.

2.  No one supports Mandate Enforcement Officers LESS than I do.

FINAL ANALYSIS:  With that being said, have you seen the Britain event where police officers are arresting and handcuffing a man because one of his postings on social media caused anxiety to someone?  Bonus...just for good measure, those same police officers also arrested and handcuffed the neighbor who was video taping the arrest.

Don't tell me that we do not have Mandate Enforcement Officers (I'm just following orders) right here in the good ole United States. Now, if you cannot deal with the way I think, UNFRIEND/UNFOLLOW me.


 This speaks so loudly to me and it should to every other freedom loving American.


 ...that electric vehicles can only be charged by wind or solar power.  If you are giving up fossil fuel then give it up!