Sunday, July 31, 2022
Saturday, July 30, 2022
A human tooth has a bazillion nerve endings, however, it is still not as sensitive as a liberal on facebook.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Monday, July 25, 2022
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s guilty verdict will more than likely be overturned.
In an interview with Newsmax host Greta Van Susteren, former Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz spoke about a jury in Washington, D.C., convicting Bannon on two charges of contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena.
Dershowitz called the conviction “entirely in violation of the Constitution” and predicted that a higher court will “very likely” overturn it.
“The only provision of the Constitution, which appears basically twice, is trial by jury in and in front of a fair jury. Number one, he didn’t have a fair jury. Number two, the judge took his defenses away from him,” Dershowitz said.
After Van Susteren said the D.C. district where the trial was held is “94 percent Democrat,” Dershowitz chimed in, “Well, not only that, but probably 97 percent Trump haters.”
Dershowitz added: “And all you had to do was say, ‘Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this man Bannon worked for Trump.’ That’s the end of the case.”
“Entirely predictable and entirely in violation of the Constitution. The only provision of the Constitution which appears basically twice is trial by jury, in front of a fair jury. Number one he didn’t have a fair jury. Number two the judge took his defenses away from him. The judge denied him a jury trial. They wouldn’t allow him to put on evidence that he believed there was an executive privilege involved and he wanted a judicial determination before he violated the executive privilege. That issue could not be presented to the jury,” Dershowitz said.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Joe Biden voters give hope to imbeciles everywhere.
George Washington shed his uniform as a general in the Continental Army to become president of the United States. He proved that anyone without royal bloodlines who was willing to make extraordinary personal sacrifices could be the leader of a country.
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin. He grew up a rail-splitter clearing land on the frontier. He proved that anyone — no matter how humble or hardscrabble your background — could rise to become president.
Franklin D. Roosevelt proved that physical disabilities were no obstacle. John F. Kennedy proved that his Catholic faith was no obstacle. And Barack Obama proved that race was no obstacle.
President Biden has plumbed the greatest depths to expose and remove every last barrier to the White House. He has proved that anyone can be made president.
Literally, anyone. You can just pick up a shuffling, incoherently babbling hobo off the street and make him president. You could even wheel a cadaver out of the morgue, prop him up and pop in some googly eyes and — bam! — you have a leader of the free world.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Sunday, July 17, 2022
My information is that:
The First Rule of Gun Safety...
To most of us, it wasn’t clear just how serious a threat to our freedoms was posed by our international political, media, corporate, and academic elites until the advent of Donald Trump, whom those elites all instantly recognized as a sincere champion of American freedom and dominance, and thus as a serious threat to them.
Friday, July 15, 2022
The latest directive from clown central...
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Make a note...
Let’s hope we figure this out more quickly than the Germans did.
The rotten fruit of the democrat's progressive, NWO, Globalist agenda is coming to fruition all around the world. For example:
It's tough to un-remember the image of a man scavenging for morsels in the back of a garbage truck. Or of an emaciated mob chasing and stoning to death a cow in a field. But those were the images that we saw in Venezuela a few years ago, and they were a precursor to what we're seeing today in Sri Lanka, the heretofore reasonably prosperous island nation of 22 million people off the southern tip of India.
Last April, upon the mind-numbingly awful advice of Klaus Schwab and his fellow Great Resetters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Sri Lanka went "green" and swore off chemical fertilizers altogether, even though they were being used effectively by 90% of the nation's farmers.
The result? 50% inflation, failing farms, an 81% increase in food prices, riots in the streets, and a president who yesterday got the hell out of Dodge just ahead of an angry mob.
On the bright side, though, as Fox News's Tucker Carlson notes, the country now has an enviable 98 ESG score, which, these days, along with a few hundred rupees, will get you a gallon of whole milk in Sri Lanka.
ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, is a global social credit framework for sustainability reporting that's being used by woke corporations and do-gooding countries. It has been embraced by everyone from Klaus Schwab and his fellow elitist globalist jetsetters to our very own Joe Biden. The idea behind ESG is wealth redistribution — a leveling of the economic playing field by moving away from the extraordinarily effective wealth-production model of shareholder capitalism toward a so-called "stakeholder capitalism" model, which turns decent countries into socialist dystopias.
To be fair, then, Sri Lanka's plight isn't all merely a matter of fertilizer. As The Wall Street Journal reports, that country now has plenty of other problems:
Sri Lanka's financial and political crisis, driven by the country's mix of high indebtedness, soaring inflation and poor economic management, now stands as a cautionary tale for a number of other debt-laden countries who are now increasingly vulnerable to the recent confluence of food shortages, inflation and rising U.S. interest rates. ... For most Sri Lankans, daily life in recent months has revolved around spending hours in line for fuel or waiting for the electricity to come back on. But those wandering around the president's residence on Sunday got a sobering glimpse of the lifestyles of the political elite who presided over the unfolding economic crisis.
"We don't have fuel, food, and cooking gas," said 60-year-old Sri Lankan protester and wharf clerk Wijitha Kumara. "But while we are suffering, [President Gotabaya Rajapaksa] has had a luxurious life."
And isn't it always that way with these elitists?
Closer to home, in Western Europe, we're seeing the ruinous results of the Left's bad ideas in two unlikely places: Germany and the Netherlands. "Europe's climate obsessions have led to an energy crisis," reports the Journal, "and who would have thought the Germans would choose to make it worse. That's what happened last Thursday when the Bundestag voted to shut down the country's remaining nuclear power plants by the end of the year."
What kind of "green" energy madness makes a seemingly sensible nation like Germany swear off the greenest of all energies, nuclear, in favor of one of the dirtiest, coal? This is what we call a self-inflicted wound, and it'll only become more apparent during the inevitable summer heat waves and the coming cold of winter.
Then there's the Netherlands. As the folks at Legal Insurrection observe: "Dutch farmers are rebelling against 'Climate Change' and environmental regulations that will shut down their farms. The farmers point out repeatedly that they are among the most productive on the planet, and The Netherlands is one of the top major food exporters. ... The Green Agenda, whether called Net-Zero or The Green New Deal or whatever, is about using manufactured panic over Climate Change to enact sweeping changes in society through increasing the cost of fossil-fuels and energy and production dependent on fossil fuels. Like so much of the destructive idiocy sweeping politics, it started at and is driven by the campuses. It puts at risk all of the economic ties that bind us together, and it's incredibly dangerous to societal stability."
What we're seeing today in Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Germany, and the Netherlands are the rotten fruits of a "green" globalist socialist enterprise.
Last week, we wrote about Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset they're working to bring about. We noted that it's far from a mere conspiracy theory, that it's being carried out by globalist forces as we speak, and that it's bound to leave a lot of destruction in its wake. It already is.
BOTTOM LINE = We here in America are a long way from Sri Lanka, but that doesn't mean we should not spread the word about the Great Reset and resist it with all our might.
Just so there is no misunderstanding...
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
PSA for those who have not yet connected or refuse to connect the dots...
Would not surprise me if there actually were people who believed AND followed this recommendation...
BOTTOM LINE = Sheeple are us. These are the same sheeple who followed the shopping "directional" arrows in the stores.
Monday, July 11, 2022
Bertrand Russell's (1872 - 1970) prediction of POTUS Biden and his administration...
Sunday, July 10, 2022
How about this...
H/T Fellow Patriot:
“I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” — George Mason 1788
“Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American People’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.” — George Washington
“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike how to use them, especially when young.” — Richard Henry Lee 1788
“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.” — Thomas Jefferson
"An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a subject.” — John Adams
Ah, but what would any of THEM know?
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Inquiring minds want to know....
Currently, our strategic oil reserves are at a historic low.
POTUS Biden is shipping millions of gallons of our strategic oil reserve every month to Europe.
POTUS Biden has recently sold 900,000 gallons of our strategic oil reserve to commie china.
Now, to pose the question: While you are enjoying the dark of night, the heat of summer and the cold of winter because our energy production capability has been severely curtailed; While you are on a diet because our food production facilities cannot produce for consumption or transport their limited production to grocery stores; While our armed services are crippled due to vax mandates; While our transportation industry cannot transport without fuel...
Will you still be broadcasting your happiness with Biden as POTUS instead of Trump?
We Need To Stop Referring To DC As A Swamp...
...because a swamp is a cool eco system while DC is in reality a sewage lagoon.
Friday, July 8, 2022
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
- According to TESLA, they have a "supercharger" that can charge a 200 mile range in 15 minutes.
- According to TESLA, there are about 35,000 of these "superchargers" worldwide.
- Recently at a TESLA supercharging station in California, 20 cars were lined up for charging.
- According to TESLA, the nearest other "supercharger" station was 100 miles away.
What do you expect when the democrats and their useful idiots shut down our energy production industry?
BOTTOM LINE = Compliments of everyone who votes "democrat".
BOTTOM LINE = How can you be "not queer enough"?
FINAL ANALYSIS = This is not Babylon Bee!
Another recent gem from VP Harris...
In a recent statement: "Gas prices are high due to gas prices not being low as before. To get back to lower prices we have to acknowledge gas is high which is the opposite of low."
BOTTOM LINE = THANK YOU to everyone who helped to install these people in office.
Collateral damage from your butthurt...
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Monday, July 4, 2022
For entertainment purposes, I spent a few minutes this morning browsing the FB group page "occupy democrats".
No one should be surprised that the only mentioning of an "independence day" was how Trump and the republicans have taken away most of our "independence" and we need to vote blue next November to remove all republicans from office to restore our "independence" and "democracy".
BOTTOM LINE = This is true. If you don't believe me, look for yourself.
Sunday, July 3, 2022
I am done with...
“We're developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won't be able to think.”
- Rod Serling (December 25, 1924 – June 28, 1975)
I've got news for the GOP. This, is NOT compromise...
According to the democrats, "compromise" means they take half of our cake now and the other half next time.
BOTTOM LINE = If the GOP continues to "compromise" in this manner, you will soon "compromise" yourself right out of existence.
FINAL ANALYSIS = The GOP needs to place candidates on the ballot who actually support the Republican platform, not some low octane democrat because you think he or she is our best chance of defeating the high octane democrat on the other side of the ballot. Republicans need to stand or fall on our platform, not a watered down version.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
And just like that...
Liz Chaney has been canonized by the democrats, their useful idiots and is no longer being referred to as the devil spawn of a war monger.
PSA - The Democrat's AND Pritzker's $30M sleazy campaign trick...
It’s important to know that "Republican" Richard Irvin, who Bailey defeated, was guilty of his own sleaze of a different sort. He blasted out mailers accusing Bailey of being a liberal. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Bailey is a hard core conservative to the bone. Voters apparently saw through it immediately and Irvin’s polling numbers proceeded to tank. Irvin’s campaign also later admitted the mailers violated election laws by failing to show who paid for them.
Friday, July 1, 2022
Relax my fellow Americans...Relax!
$6 a gallon for gasoline, taxes, taxes, more taxes, face diapers, shelter in place, non-essential employees (but with everyone being paid a "living wage", who needs a job) and skyrocketing inflation are such small prices to pay for the benefit of basking in the wonderfulness of the democrats New World Order.
Inquiring minds want to know...
Oil is a natural resource sufficient for our needs within The United States. Why are we IMPORTING from any other country?
newsflash: J6 Protest kangaroo court just released this secret video....
Showing Trump assaulting USSS agents and hijacking "The Beast".