Monday, January 11, 2021


 Remember in 2011 when tens of thousands of Democrats surged on the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison and physically occupied it for more than two weeks? We were told, "This is what democracy looks like."

Remember in 2016 when Obama was President and hundreds of BLM blocked interstate highways and violently accosted police (even killing several)? We were told, "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible."

Remember in 2018 during the Kavanaugh hearings when a mob of Democrats stormed the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, and pounded their fists in rage on the door. We were told, "It's understandable."
Remember this summer's riots in major cities across the country when groups of Democrats marched in the streets, set buildings on fire, looted businesses, assaulted and even killed bystanders and police? We were told, "These are mostly peaceful protests."

Remember when Democrats seized several blocks of the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Seattle, declaring it an autonomous zone? Remember the guns ad deaths and utter destruction? We were told, "It's a block party atmosphere."

Remember when a crazed mob gathered after the Republican National Convention and attacked Rand Paul, a sitting U.S. Senator? We were told, "No justice, no peace."
Remember how police were told to stand down, governors refused to call in the national guard, and Democrats paid bail for violent protesters who were arrested? We were told, "This is the only way oppressed people can be heard."
I have condemned violent protests and lawlessness every single time they've been reported. I condemn the actions of those who stormed the Capitol yesterday. But I refuse to condemn hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors because a handful (52 arrested) chose to be lawless and to defy everything the vast majority of the crowd stood for. Conservatives are defenders of the Constitution, the police, and the rule of law. Because a relative few people decided to do something stupid doesn't nullify the concerns of the many.
The real culprit here? The mainstream media has been telling us for years that violence is the only way people who feel oppressed can be heard, it's the only way to get justice, and this is what democracy looks like. Apparently, a few who were in the crowd on Wednesday listened to them.
The inflammatory rhetoric of the Left caused this, and it's about time Democrats and the mainstream media took responsibility for dividing Americans and attempting to humiliate those who support the President or any conservative ideals. They have pushed people to the brink, even while claiming, "It's time for unity." It's time for careful reflection and change on all sides.



Sunday, January 10, 2021

What is it that I hear?

 The fervent cries of "But what about our children and grand children's future" ring in our ears on the battlefields of today. Yet those very same children and grand children are standing on that battlefield fighting AGAINST us, not WITH us.

Our children and grandchildren have been indoctrinated to believe that THEY know more than our entire history and us in general. They've got a BETTER idea. Along with the propaganda everywhere on any media site, they're closing the gap.

The burning of books such as The Holy Bible, 1984, and Animal Farm will be next. Genders will become non existent. Conservatism will be outlawed and exiled.

Everybody knows all of this. Everybody sees all of this. Yet, instead of realizing we have been attacked biologically and subversively, our nation turned on itself and had to blame the only non politician in our government, our Commander In Chief. You can be rest assured they will stop at NOTHING to absolutely DESTROY that man's life after he leaves office, whenever that may be.

BOTTOM LINE = The message must be sent and the example made of someone who only cares about his country instead of the power centers that reduce us to poverty through taxation to support their gluttony. It's DEFINITELY NOT about you.


 Remember not so long ago when the world was astonished that google and fb were banned until they censored their platforms in China? Remember when all social media sites were banned in Iran during the uprising to shut down their lines of communication? Remember that social media is outlawed and forbidden in North Korea? Remember our own Declaration of Independence from a despotic King of England? Remember when we had a Constitution replete with a Bill of Rights that were endowed by our very Creator? Remember when we could face our accuser and seek redress for ourselves? Apparently not. While the warriors were fighting the battles, our very own citizens were firing on us from behind. Instead of understanding their enemy perpetrated WWIII biologically, economically, and nefariously, some of our citizens actually helped them accomplish their evil deeds. Now, bereft of the ability to communicate without the Ministry of Truth insuring we only use correct Politispeak via the Thought police, we're on the very precipice of a collapse of our nation from within. It's called an implosion.

Yes, I'm still unaffiliated. Yes, I have been trying to marshal the adults together to begin to solve some very real problems in our society by debating the issues and insisting on civility and non profane language. Every time I feel like I've gained a LITTLE piece of ground, our beloved government opens a new can of excrement to throw down on the masses to repress the perception of freedom of thought. This time, it was actually courtesy of Big Tech. You KNOW there's a severe problem when the most powerful man in the free world is denied freedom of speech while the Supreme leader in Iran is openly free to scream "death to America" on those very same sites. For social media sites to ban people and censure views is tantamount to repression by oppressors, the benchmark of tyranny. When the most guilty violators of human rights get to keep their pages and sit on the UN security council as well as the human rights council, mankind has been conquered by a serious insanity. When the POTUS is unceremoniously cancelled and communication from him kept from We The People, a coup has been performed by SOMEBODY.

This is about MORE than an election. This is an attack on every man, woman, and child living in America. Yes, I believe this will be taken down, but I must stand up for what I believe in. You should be, too. When the #2 person in our line of succession gets on the phone to the Pentagon to demand they remove the President's access to the nuclear codes, you've got a SERIOUS problem. Instead of taking care of the People's business, they're actively pursuing a personal vendetta at our expense. This was all orchestrated by delaying tactics and debates over many financial issues right up until the deadlines. The 5,563 page "stimulus" bill was delivered on Friday night and needed to be signed by Sunday night. Less than 48 hours. Nobody even today can tell you what's in it. The NDAA? Vetoed, but overridden to avoid Section 230 issues. Looming government shutdowns AGAIN? After three short extensions to make an omnibus package they demanded? Surely you jest if you think they're working for YOU!

Seems like a LOT of Americans just sold our country's founding documents out for a mere $600.00. I assure you they'll soon find out the true price of their actions. We ALL will!
~The Cairo Curmudgeon~


 How much longer before We the People are required to wear a collar displaying our vaccination tag along with our muzzle?


 Joe Biden has stated that there are some DARK DAYS ahead.  However, those DARK DAYS will be for you and me, not Joe Biden and his ilk.

Dear President Trump:

I am here to say THANK YOU. Regardless of the outcome of this election, you have earned my gratitude.

Thank you:
* for not plunging us into another war.
* for walking through HELL for the American people.
* for doing it all for free.
* for working through the night while my family was safely sleeping.
* for standing strong and staring adversity in the face.
* for keeping GOD in the country I love.
* for not backing down when the weight of the world and even America was against you.
* for standing up for women.
* for not being a politician.
* for being clear and concise.
* for standing up for the unborn.
* for caring about the little guy.
* for working harder for us than any President has in my lifetime.
* for your dedication to our country.
BOTTOM LINE = Win or lose I stand with you. You have added meaning to "promises made, promises kept". God bless and keep you and your family.
~A grateful American Patriot~