Thursday, November 12, 2020


 From 1776 to 1783, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called, “American Crisis”, to inspire our young nation’s citizens to keep fighting for freedom. General George Washington ordered its words read aloud to encourage his dispirited men on the battlefield.

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be highly rated.”
When these phrases first appeared in the pages of the "Pennsylvania Journal", General Washington’s troops were encamped at McKonkey’s Ferry on the Delaware River opposite Trenton, New Jersey. In August, they had suffered humiliating defeats and lost New York City to British troops. Between September and December, 11,000 American volunteers gave up the fight and returned to their families. General Washington could foresee the destiny of a rebellion without an army if the rest of his men returned home when their service contracts expired on December 31. He knew that without an upswing in morale and a significant victory, the American Revolution would come to a swift and humiliating end with deadly consequences for many of those involved.
The men that Washington was speaking to gave their blood and since then, untold numbers of men and women have put their lives on the line to defend our precious God given gift of freedom.
To the Veterans now serving, and to those that have served, we stand with you. We thank you; and know that we will not easily relinquish the gift for which you have fought and died.
11 Nov 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020


 I suppose by now, many of you have figured out why the democrats did not show any concern for the mental capacity of their candidate for POTUS.

For those of you who have not, here's why:  During previous years, and most especially the last 4 with Donald J. Trump as POTUS who is owned by neither political party, the democrats have been feverishly installing a well developed, well funded system for fraudulent voting all across our country.  With this system in place, the democrats could run Elmer Fudd for office and he would win by hundreds of thousands if not millions of votes. 

BOTTOM LINE = no need to be concerned about Biden's mental health.  If he becomes incapacitated, the democrat VP steps into the office of POTUS. 



Thursday, October 29, 2020

Open your Funk & Wagnalls to "COLLABORATORS" and you will see...

 The type of "humans" who report bars and restaurants for not complying with illegal/unconstitutional  orders/mandates are the same type as those who reported Jews to the Nazi's.  Period.  End of story.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020



When a politician dictates how you can host Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Reunions, etc. with your loved ones, in your own home, it’s evidence that they believe that there will be no consequences for their actions.

Saturday, October 17, 2020




"The first order, effective immediately, face coverings will be required in all outdoor settings with few exceptions, including being outside alone or with a household member. Organized athletic programming will also be exempt."

"The second order cuts the number of unrelated people allowed to gather together from 10 to 5, in both public and private, non-organized athletic events and workplace settings, such as meetings."

"The mask rules will be in place until further notice, and the gatherings order will be in effect for 30 days."
BOTTOM LINE = And the absurdity continues.


MY TWO CENTS WORTH: AS THE NEW DARK AGE BECKONS.....:  Thanks to Barack Obama and his minions, 1984 has arrived, although a few decades later than Orwell suspected....  *  Honesty is no longer a...


 Thanks to Barack Obama and his minions, 1984 has arrived, although a few decades later than Orwell suspected.... 

*  Honesty is no longer a cardinal virtue.

*  Truth is shunned, covered up, not sought out and not celebrated. 

BOTTOM LINE = Our history is too.

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Every time Joe Biden gets the chance, he shows us that he is NOT up for the job of POTUS.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


The political party that:










is telling We the People that duly elected, Republican President Donald J. Trump is a THREAT to our Constitutional Republic.

Thursday, October 8, 2020



It is a vote for:

*The First Amendment and freedom of speech.

*The Second Amendment and our right to defend our life, our liberty, our family and our friends.

*The next Supreme Court Justice to protect our Constitutional Republic and our Bill of Rights.

*The continued growth of your retirement 401K and the stock market.

* A return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

*The Electoral College and the Republic in which we live.

*The Police to be respected once again and to ensure LAW enforcement and not MANDATE enforcement.

*The continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

*Our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced to foreign countries.

*Secure borders and legal immigration.

*The Military who made and keep America The Land of the Free.

*Unborn humans that have a right to their life, their liberty and their pursuit of happiness.

*Continued peace progress in the middle east.

*The fight against human trafficking.

*Our freedom of Religion.

*Our flag and national anthem.

*Our right to speak our opinions and not be censored or threatened.

*The future of our Country.

*Our children, our grandchildren and ALL those who come after us to ensure their freedoms and their future.

For whom/what are you voting?


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Kamala’s Road to Success by Steve Baldwin

 "I watched an interview with her. She is attractive, animated and absurd. She was devastated that she never had children; yet was a “Mother to her husband’s children.” And she “loved being a Mother.” She said the children called her “Momela”. Anyway, she led her audience to believe that she mothered these kids. I looked her up. She married her husband when the son was in his 3rd year of college and the daughter was in 10th grade and they actually lived with their biological Mother, except for normal visits with their father—so much for Motherhood . Right after hearing that, I discovered she was an opportunistic liar.

I do remember Kamala Harris. I had just been elected to the State Assembly in 1994 and, at that time, the ultimate “power broker” that controlled every aspect of California’s state government was the Speaker of the House, Willie Brown. He ran Sacramento like it was his own personal fiefdom and handed out jobs to loyalists and fired people who were disloyal. He broke every ethical law in the book, but was never held to account by anyone. He was married, but openly had mistresses which he showed off by bringing them to public events.
At the time I arrived in Sacramento, Willie was seeing a young girl who was in her late 20’s. He was in his 60’s. She was his mistress and he showered her with gifts and appointed her to a number of State government jobs. Her name was Kamala Harris. Willie launched her political career because she was having sex with him. The idea that she is an “independent” woman who worked her way up the political ladder because she worked hard is baloney. It is common knowledge in California that Kamala slept her way into powerful political jobs.
And now she is running for VP with a man who will be unable to govern due to his lack of mental clarity. In essence, she will function as the President of the United States should the Biden/Harris ticket prevail this November. Her views on guns, taxes, immigration, energy, etc. are far to the left of the average America but you watch the media ignore these positions.
For example, she believes illegal aliens are eligible to ALL government services, including education, welfare benefits, health care, you name it. In other words, she does NOT believe there is a difference between a citizen and a non-citizen. That view alone will cost us billions of dollars if acted upon. Her view of the constitution is frankly bizarre and dangerous and she is willing to enact laws restricting our 2nd Amendment rights even if such laws violate our constitution.
She will be the most radical person to run for VP in American history, but you won’t see any of this on the news. You will soon witness a massive campaign by the media to deceive you about who she is and what she believes. Don’t fall for it."
Steve Baldwin, former Congressman, State of California


 If you are a black criminal who is shot by the police, the NBA will stop all games for you AND wear your name on their uniforms.

If you are a retired, black, police officer who was murdered by rioters while defending a small business, the NBA won't even bat an eye.


I have done my best to respect the diverse opinions regarding COVID-19, however, 6 months into a 2 week shutdown, I am ready to once again get busy LIVING.

Whoever authored this piece, hit the nail on the head.
Please just take politics out of it and read this with an open mind using common sense.

Anyone out there who can tell me what our end game is with the covid 19?
What is the magic formula that is going to allow us to sound the all clear?
Is it zero cases?
The only way that will happen is if we just stop testing and stop reporting.
Is it a vaccine?
It took 25 years for a chicken pox vaccine to be developed.
The smallpox inoculation was discovered in 1796 the last known natural case was in 1977.
We have a flu vaccine that is only 40 to 60% effective and less than half of the US population choose to get one, and roughly 20,000 Americans will die of the flu or flu complications.
Oh, you'll mandate it, like other vaccines are mandated in order to attend school, travel to some foreign countries, etc.
We already have a growing number of anti vaxxers refusing proven, tested, well known vaccines that have been administered for decades but aren’t necessarily safe!
Do you really think people will flock to get a fast tracked, quickly tested vaccine, whose long term side effects and overall efficacy are anyone's best guess?
How long are we going to cancel and postpone and reconsider?
You aren't doing in person school until second quarter?
What if October's numbers are the same as August's?
You moved football to spring?
What if next March is worse than this one was?
When do we decide quality of life outweighs the risks?
I understand Covid can be deadly or very dangerous for SOME people, but so are strawberries and so is shellfish.
We take risks multiple times a day without a second thought.
We know driving a car can be dangerous, we don't leave it in the garage.
We know the dangers of smoking, drinking and eating fried foods, we do it anyway.
We speed, we don't buckle our seat belts, we take more than directed.
Is hugging Grandma really more dangerous than rush hour on the freeway?
Is going out with friends after work more risky than 4 day old gas station sushi?
Or operating a chainsaw?
When and how did we so quickly lose our free will?
Is there a waiver somewhere I can sign that says, "I understand the risks, but I choose a life with Hugs and Smiles, and the State Fair and go to Church and go hug my Mom in her retirement home.
I understand that there is a possibility I could die, but I will most likely end up feeling like crap for a few days.
I understand I could possibly pass it to someone else, if I'm not careful, but I can pass any virus onto someone else.
I'm struggling to see where or how this ends.
We either get busy living or we get busy dying.
BOTTOM LINE = When God decides it's your time, baby it's YOUR time. I would rather spend my time enjoying life and not worrying about what ifs and maybes. I’ll sign that waiver!!!

Monday, June 15, 2020


Here's the latest from Seattle's CHAZ or is it now CHOP...
NOTE: IMO, one additional item would be a Funk & Wagnalls so they could look up "autonomous" .

Image may contain: outdoor

File this under "BRACE YOURSELVES"

My money is on "we will have a second wave in the Fall of the CCP, democrat, nevertrumper, Corona, COVID virus, because:
2. We encounter a FLU season every year.
3. People die from complications of the FLU.
  A. People die from complications of the COMMON COLD. Don't believe me...Just ask William Henry Harrison.
4. The democrats, nevertrumpers and their minions are rabidly desperate to deploy any means to keep Donald J. Trump from a second term as our POTUS and retake the White House.


Why should people who have never owned slaves give money to people who have never been slaves?

Thursday, June 11, 2020


  • Contact tracing is unnecessary, and it serves only to restrict our liberties.
  • How did Contact Tracing start in the United States? It was part of Nancy Pelosi’s Coronavirus Relief Bill that was rushed through Congress!
  • We must see through the smoke screen of the riots and look into the future. 
  • Contact tracing is clearly an attack on America from domestic enemies under the guise of “public safety.” 
  • This policy must be reversed. 
  • BOTTOM LINE = Do we have patriots brave enough to stand up and fight back right here on our own soil to defend our liberties?


In response to your “social justice” proclamation…

I am disappointed that you, a major force in the online retail business would blindly follow false narratives and throw your support behind an organization that facilitates rioting, looting and stands for the de-funding of our police.

You would also know that the very phrase “black lives matter” suggests racial superiority because it excludes the importance of everyone else’s life.

BOTTOM LINE = That IS racism period. Please, educate yourself and just sell shoes and stop with the social justice warrior retailer bravado.  I and others like me expect more from you.

Thank you.


In response to your “social justice” proclamation…

I am disappointed that you, a major force in the online retail business would blindly follow false narratives and throw your support behind an organization that facilitates rioting, looting and stands for the de-funding of our police.

You would also know that the very phrase “black lives matter” suggests racial superiority because it excludes the importance of everyone else’s life.

BOTTOM LINE = That IS racism period. Please, educate yourself and just sell outdoor gear/clothing and stop with the social justice warrior retailer bravado.  I and others like me expect more from you.

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


What are the alternatives to law enforcement based on the Constitution and the law?  Is it an ideology based on race or religion?  Are some more equal than others (as in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell). One has doubts over the preeminence of the Constitution, since those calling for dissolution of professional police departments have shown it little regard in the past.

Even close oversight has unintended and dangerous consequences. For example, the 2016 consent decree imposed on the Chicago police department by the Obama DOJ coincided with a 50% increase in homicides and violent crime. Following the consent decree, police stops decreased to only 20% of previous years. Each stop obliged the officer to fill out three pages of a report, taking at least 20 minutes. It became far more attractive to investigate crime scenes than suspicious activity or individuals. 

Whatever comes out will probably not affect the personal protection provided to high city and state officials, at a cost of nearly $1 million per year for each.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


I thought long and hard about this post, but after doing my due diligence to get the full drift of your senseless, destructive, undeserving slander of our president, I cannot hold back. Just so you know, this is from a retired Marine colonel who spent nearly as much time in uniform as you. And considering my love of the Corps and my brothers and sisters, it does not bother me one bit to state without any equivocation you are a disgrace to our Marine uniform.
Who do you think you are to speak out in such a disgraceful manner against a sitting president? Do you believe your rank entitles you to talk such trash? By your recent actions and words, you’ve aligned yourself with the Hollywood trash who think anyone with half a brain would take anything they say with a grain of salt. You Mr. Mattis (I will not call you by your rank — you do not deserve it) are a disgrace to my Corps. I believe the only people who genuinely care about what you said are your fellow Marines who are disgusted with your pompous ass.
According to your own words you have over 7,000 books in your library. It’s now obvious to me you have not read any of them. You said, “We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers.” WHAT? Are you kidding me? Where have you been lately, under a rock? Countless people killed and injured including many police officers, millions and millions of dollars’ worth of buildings destroyed and burned to the ground, many privately-owned stores and commercial establishments who had just opened after being closed because of the virus, all gone. Major stores looted; nothing left on the shelves. Yet you call that a small number of lawbreakers?
Then the biggest lie of all is when you state no president in your lifetime has been as divisive as President Trump. Where were you during the eight years of Obama? Oh, that’s right he fired your ass too. It seems the only arena in which you have been able to keep a job is in the military. Hmm, what does that tell me? Remember Mr. Mattis, I was there, well before you.
I always had my doubts about you especially after you fired a great Marine friend of mine whom I had a small hand in shaping his career. He told me things about you that caused me to believe you were nothing more than an egotistical liberal. I was, however, surprised when you took the job offered by President Trump to be our Sec Def. But then he too fired your ass. I have not researched it in detail, but I do believe you are the first general to ever be fired by two sitting presidents, the first a liberal racist and the other a conservative doer. How does that feel? How’s that for a legacy?
You Mr. Mattis are a despicable, egotistical, self-centered person of no value to my country.
Signed; Jim Bathurst, Col, USMC (Ret)
Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Sunday, June 7, 2020


  • Saint Louis won't prosecute the rioters and looters.
  • Manhattan won't prosecute the rioters and looters.
  • Brooklyn is seeking help to prosecute their LEO's.
  • San Francisco is promoting the defunding of their police force.
  • Minneapolis is seeking to disband their police force.
  • All are democrats.
  • All are putting criminals before law abiding citizens.
BOTTOM LINE =   I gotta ask...why are you all still voting democrat?

I USED TO BE A NORMAL HUMAN - Author unknown but much appreciated

  • As a man I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white into a two-parent household which now labels me as "Privileged", racist and responsible for slavery. 
  • I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget and support myself. 
  • I have held jobs since age 14. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”. 
  • I am heterosexual, which according to some folks, now makes me a homophobe. 
  • I am not a follower of islam, which now labels me as an infidel. 
  • I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a threat to the liberals and I get labeled as being part of a militia. 
  • As a supporter of free Americans and the 2nd Amendment, I'm now responsible for gun crimes in America. 
  • I am older than 60, making me a useless person with outdated ideas and values. 
  • I think and I reason, and I criticize much of what the "main stream" media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”. 
  • I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe. 
  • I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me a target of Marxists and ANTIFA. 
  • I think males and females should go to the restroom based on the birth sex, so I am labeled a sexist. 
  • I read the Bible, believe in God and know Jesus died for my sins to give me eternal life, and I'm labeled a religious fanatic and believe in fairy tales. 
  • I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath. 
  • I believe in a strong defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant and a War Monger.
  • I am proud of our flag, for what it stands and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and place my hand over my heart during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist. 
  • I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me racist. 
  • I think the Confederate monuments around our country symbolize history, so I'm labeled as having hate in my heart when some suddenly are offended by their presence. I'm labeled a racist when I say that the erasing of history will potentially cause us to repeat the same mistakes. 
  • I think that all lives matters, which labels me as a racist. 
  • I support our President, Donald J. Trump, which labels me as a racist and a White Nationalist. 
  • I think the riots and destruction of property around our country is wrong and is just an excuse to push a political agenda, so I'm labeled a racist. 
  • I support our cops, which labels me as a racist. 
  • I vote for the Republican party because it best represents my conservative views, which labels me as a racist. 
  • I question how fear is being used to control We the People during the COVID-19 pandemic and think the crisis is being used for political gain, so I'm labeled careless, ignorant and non-sympathetic.
BOTTOM LINE = all this to frighten me into NOT voting for Donald J. Trump.  Guess what...I WILL be voting for Donald J. Trump this coming November.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


So, law abiding citizens are not allowed to go downtown, however, .....


  • You see a black man murdered by a white cop.  I see one man murdered by an evil man.  We are not the same.
  • You see thousands dead as the fault of our POTUS.  I see thousands dead as the result of a virus attacking the weak and vulnerable.  We are not the same.
  • You see rioters, looters and protesters as the same.  I see protesters as having good intentions and rioters and looters as criminals.  We are not the same.
  • You see America as not being great or ever having been great.  I see America as being great, even in the darkest of times.  We are not the same.
BOTTOM LINE = we are not the same.



This applies to standing united with others who desire to maintain our FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES.

BOTTOM LINE = we accomplish this by VOTING for candidates who believe in freedom and liberty.


Now that I have lived through an actual plague, I totally understand why Renaissance paintings are full of  naked fat people lying on couches.

Friday, June 5, 2020


Vote democrat in November 2020 and this will be our America:

  • Mask people.  Dehumanize them.  Still feeding the notion that all THIS is about saving lives all the while the abortion mills are operating full speed ahead.
  • Keep the sheeple terrified with forecasting another and another and another round of the mysterious virus is coming.
  • Placing more and more citizens in and keeping them in quarantine via contact tracing.
  • Cook the number of deaths via this mysterious virus.
  • Broadcast a running total of the deaths via this mysterious virus 24/7 on every media outlet.
  • Close ALL businesses for extended periods.
  • Millions and millions more of Americans unemployed.
  • Make all outdoor activity unlawful, close parks, absolute shelter in place.
  • Close churches.
  • Close gyms.
  • Encourage depression, anxiety and desperation to take root and flourish.
  • Ignite hatred.
  • Fan the flames of that hatred toward civil war.
  • Empty the prisons because of this mysterious, recurring virus while keeping the law abiding citizens locked down for their protection.
  • Mobilize and fund ANTIFA and other terror groups to riot, loot, commit murder and mayhem under the guise of righteous social justice warriors.
  • Eliminate ICE.
  • Eliminate the Electoral College.
  • Restrict or terminate the funding for police departments.
  • Restrict or terminate the funding for our military
BOTTOM LINE = How much more freedom are you willing to relinquish?  Vote Trump - Pence and Republican ticket this November.