Thursday, January 31, 2019


Speaker Pelosi has said that democrats do "the Lord's Work".

Now, I am not a religious scholar, so, someone please tell me how the following is "the Lord's work:

*  Unfettered abortion.
*  Sanctuary Cities.
*  Sanctuary Counties.
*  Sanctuary States.
*  Legalizing recreational use of drugs.
*  Disrespecting our law enforcement officers.
*  Disrespecting our veterans.
*  Tearing down the borders.
*  Sewing discord among the citizens.
*  Encouraging the hatred of men.
*  Eliminating the sexes as designed by God.
*  Altering marriage as designed by God.
*  Taking away the right for citizens to defend themselves.
*  Taking away the right for citizens to wear red caps.
*  Aiding and abetting America's enemies.
*  Brainwashing and indoctrinating children under the guise of "public" school.
*  Undermining Christian religious freedom.
*  Booing God at your convention.
*  Pitting the races against each other.
*  Pitting the less fortunate against the more fortunate.
*  Promoting socialism.
*  Removal of Christian oaths and symbols.
*  Removal of America's historical monuments.
*  Denigrating Christian pastors as racist and homophobic for simply preaching the Gospel.
*  Lying and spreading false accusations, AKA bearing false witness.
*  Hypocrisy.
*  Rioting.
*  Looting.
*  Blocking public highways.
*  Disrupting lawful meetings.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


What started out as "equal" rights for people of alternate life styles has blossomed into killing unborn humans one minute before they are to be born.