Wednesday, July 30, 2014

PSA BR730.3

Americans have judged POTUS by his own words and he has been found wanting.

The meaningless dribble chant “Yes We Can,” hypnotic to so many (Hopium smoking, KoolAide drinking, low info voters) during the Obama hysteria, now appears like a grammar school motivation poster curling at the edges because actually he can’t do __________ (fill in the blank) .

I will end this PSA on a positive note.  Three things POTUS can do:
  1. Blame others
  2. Fundraise, and
  3. Vacation
There, my postings aren't all negative.

PSA BR730.2

Barack Obama promised so much: to heal our racial divisions, slice the deficit, provide health care that was cheaper, more widely available and that would not add one dime to the deficit.  More grandly, he promised to stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. He was so cool. He was transcendent –an enlightened being -- the anointed one.”

Yes… is all that working out for you?

Hang on boys & girls, only two more years of this wonderfulness.

PSA BR730.1

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that Obama is regarded as the worst president since World War Two. And now blames him for the sorry state of our nation.  

This is divine justice, since he has from the early days of his presidency been blaming others for his mistakes and record of incompetence.  

Indeed, no president has ever dodged responsibility for his own failings as has Obama. But the ruse can only last so long and the expiration date has been reached.

Obama can already be considered a failure as a president.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Opening premise: Democrat plans for the illegals are unclear only to the willfully blind. 

African-Americans, the most dependable single Democratic voting bloc for generations, are no longer the largest ethnic minority to be indentured by the Democrats. 

Unions have passed their peak, and recent court decisions have stripped them of much of their political power. 

The Dems need a replacement, they need it now, and that’s what the illegals represent. 

First we get ‘em across the border.

Then we recognize the Mexican ID card. 

Then we hand out driver’s licenses. 

Then we register the vast pool of non citizens to vote and we scream racism at anyone who complains.  

Remember, our POTUS simply wishes to streamline the process by destroying the concept of a secure border. 

The Democrats will play it exactly as they have the African-American vote… exploit them…keep ‘em confined to the barrio...and PRESTO, you’ve got your loyal voting bloc for at least two or three more generations.

~How am I doing? ~

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

PSA BR716.01

Our current POTUS and his administration is more care less toward We the People than Andrew Jackson was to the Cherokee People.

Behavior speaks very loudly.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

PSA BR707.1

Politics got you down?
Well my friends, this is the fix for you...
You're welcome!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

PSA BR703.1

The boil on the buttocks of America (AKA liberalism) continues to make itself known.   Check out these headlines/tweets/FB postings/blogs:
  • Women's reproductive rights have been set back to the middle ages
  • The GOP war on women continues
  • Boycott Hobby Lobby
  • Burn down Hobby Lobby stores
  • Organize fornication-ins at every Hobby Lobby store
  • Countless ill wishes to the owner and family
  • I could continue, however, my fingers are getting tired
All because only SIXTEEN of TWENTY birth control methods are made available by Hobby Lobby.

F Y I:  the other FOUR are available at the corner drug store.

Now, if this isn't the final piece of evidence showing that liberalism is a mental disease, I don't know what is.